Community Involvement
2015 Office Events
March was dedicated to supporting the local Williamston Food Drive. We are a In April, to promote oral cancer awareness, we held a free Oral Cancer
proud member of the Williamston community and our goal is to help out in Screening event for the community. Early detection is key! In many cases, a
in any way we can! dentist is the first health care professional to identify early signs and symptoms.
During the week of Mother’s Day, each mother and grandmother who visited our May was SMILE month! A complementary box of Professional Strength Crest
office received a beautiful carnation to thank them for all that they do! White Strips was offered to our quiz winner! SMILES are contagious!
2015 Children's Dental Health Month
February is Children's Dental Health Month! Our celebration each year focuses
on educating our patients and sponsoring fun family events!
Our Quiz Winners!
Williamston Light Parade 2013
Our theme was "Hermie wants to be a Dentist"
Our Misfit toys
Charlie in the Box Hermie and his older brother Yukon Cornelius and Misfit Elephant